Batman Beyond Series

Batman Beyond

Batman Beyond was one of my FAVORITE Batmans. Maybe Batman Beyond could never replace or compete with the early 90’s Batman Animated Series, but Batman set in the future with some new characters would certainly shake things up. I think WB should go with Batman Beyond after The Dark Knight Rises. It can stay in continuity the Nolan’s films, and it would be ok if they get a different director because the film would take place in the future. The future setting would call for a different look and feel that a new director could provide. This is a way WB could reboot without starting over. I want to see progress in Batman’s story, unlike The Amazing Spider-Man. I want to see Batman’s story from beginning to end.

Batman Beyond costume is also one of the most impressive costumes in Batman Costumes even Superhero costumes.

It was actually almost 18 years old at the time of the series’ inception. However, its technology is so advanced that the Batman Beyond Suit is still considered state-of-the-art. One of the most notable features of the suit is that it now covers the entire face, a departure from previous costumes (though Batman’s mouth is still left exposed, a possible design flaw, especially when faced with opponents like Inque). The cape has been eliminated, being replaced by glider wings under the arms. Thrusters built into the boots allow Batman to fly in the absence of wind. However, for long range flight, he has an aerial version of the Batmobile to use. The Batsuit conforms to the size and physique of its wearer, as seen by how it was able to fit both Terry and Bruce, who had different physical statures at the time. It is very durable, being able to withstand massive concussive forces, fire, lasers, electric shocks, underwater pressure, wind force, and even radiation in small doses.

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